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Gif vs Jif

Catch your viewers eye

Emily Graham avatar
Written by Emily Graham
Updated over a week ago

Send an eye-catching email with an animated snapshot of your video thumbnail!

Why Use an Animated Thumbnail

An animated thumbnail is a phenomenal alternative to a still image. The great thing about an animated thumbnail is that it expresses far more emotion than the typical photo.

How to Use Covideo as a Gif Thumbnail Maker

When you send a video message with the CRM code, you are simply pasting your gif animation or an animated snapshot into the message’s body.

From there, your hyperlinked image is ready to be sent off. When the recipient clicks on your animated snapshot, they will get redirected to your video landing page. This landing page is like a digital business card. It has your contact information, calls-to-action buttons, and branding for custom landing pages.



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